A Scarce “River Thames, at Greenwich”
Bronze Royal Humane Society Medal, Type2
12th June 1903.
On 12th June 1903, WILLIAM DONOVAN attempted but failed to save the life of Four Year Old GEORGE PACKHAM
who had fallen into The River Thames at Greenwich.
Royal Humane Society Case No. 32638
On 12th June 1903, William Donovan, a seaman of 16 Prior Street, Greenwich unsuccessfully attempted to save the life of GEORGE PACKHAM of 13 Queen Street, a young boy of four years who had fallen into the fast flowing currents of the River Thames at Greenwich.
Mr Donovan had noticed the boy walking down some slippery steps near the Trafalgar Hotel by the river when he fell in...Mr Donovan dived fully clothed into the river but was unable to prevent the boy getting away from him in the strong current, and he himself being weighed down with his soaking clothes had to be pulled out of the river by another man.
The body of the drowned boy who had been previously warned not to play on the foreshore and who had on occasion had to be forcibly removed was found near Greenwich naval college.
An emotive medal in original uncleaned EF on its original deep blue ribbon and top claw brooch.